v2.1.1 (Almost there!)

Hi guys! If you've stuck around and have been looking at these devlogs for a little while, that pretty coooool. If your new, then welcome!

Version 2.1.1 of Dino's is almost finished! It'll include a lot of new things (kind of), so hopefully you guys will enjoy!

As of right now this is what will be added for certain. The list is subject to change a teeny tiny bit, and I might add some new things here and there too. Here's what you'll see:

  • The first world (5 levels) for the single player mode. Don't worry! These are just little tester levels, as mentioned in the previous devlog. In the next major update, I'll definitely add more!
  • A new song! I was messing around and I found something I kind liked so I thought, "Eh why not," and added to the game
  • New menus and UI! (Again) So as of right now, I've already finished re-doing all of the menus, but who knows, I might change them up a little bit. Also, I probably won't be changing them again because, as of right now, I'm pretty happy with it. It also takes a really long time and I don't really want to do it again. :(
  • A new multiplayer arena! I don't know, I just kinda thought it'd be nice to make another one.

That's it! Just a little while longer, and it should be out. I hope you guys have been enjoying the game so far, and I thanks so much for checking it out. I keep most of my projects to myself, so having people notice my games is really exciting.


-Air Boigus

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